Disclaimer: This post was originally posted in TechNews on Oct 13, 2013
“You get peace of mind not by thinking about it or imagining it, but by quietening and relaxing the restless mind.”
“You get peace of mind not by thinking about it or imagining it, but by quietening and relaxing the restless mind.”
Remez Sasson
These days, life has become so busy that we hardly get to spend some time with ourselves, which I think is very important. No one knows you better than yourself so it’s good to spend some time with yourself so you can evaluate yourself and have some peace of mind.
Daily life can be demanding, chaotic and sometimes overwhelming. At a certain point, you feel like bringing just a little bit of inner peace and composure into your life is a hopeless wish, but it’s not true because small and smart changes can bring positive change in your life. Today I would like to share my own favorite tips on what I do when I am looking for more peace and calmness in everyday life than I have on a daily basis.
The very first thing that you need to do is set certain limits in your life. Sit down and revive the things that bother you. You may need to stop doing some of the least important things that you think are important (Facebook for sure). Don’t hold yourself to ‘perfect’ standards.
Now find a relaxation technique that works best for you. I like to go on a walk with slow music on my iPod and think about all the good that I have in my life. Long walks, music, yoga, meditation or going for a swim? Find out and do that the way you like it.
Don’t make mountain out of molehills. This is one of the main reasons why these days everyone is suffering from depression. This can create a lot of unnecessary stress. When you feel that something is bothering you a lot, stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself few question: does someone on the planet have it worse than me? Will this matter in 5 years? People who love and understand me, will they stop loving me? These questions help you realize that such things are worthless. Always remember nothing is more than you and your self-satisfaction.
When we think too much about the past it ruins our present and future both. So remember yesterday, dream for tomorrow but don’t forget to live today. If something happened in past and it’s still bothering you, then accept and let that feeling and thought in instead of trying to push it away. Just accept it and let it go. Wrong is never wrong until and unless you don’t accept that it is wrong and keep on repeating it. So if the lesson is learned it should not bother you anymore.
The last thing is again a quote from Remez Sasson, “Your nature is absolute peace. You are not the mind. Silence your mind through concentration and meditation, and you will discover the peace of the Spirit that you are, and have always been.”
Try these few things and let me know that either it helped you or not.
Link to original post: Bringing inner peace into your life
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